You may take vitamins daily for energy or a better immune system. But, vitamins are good for more than keeping your energy up or gut health, they are integral to good oral health as well. Vitamins are a great and super easy preventative measure for common oral health issues. Improving your mouth’s health every day with vitamins is a proactive way to ensure a pain-free healthy dental experience. Dr. Brandon Zipper at Zipper Orthodontics recommends these vitamins for tooth health and to strengthen your enamel and promote jaw health. 

5 Daily Vitamins for Your Teeth: 

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin D
  • Vitamin K


Vitamin A is an essential nutrient that plays a vital role in many aspects of health. For example, vitamin A is important for vision, bone growth, reproduction, and immune function. Vitamin A can be found in foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, and dark leafy greens. It can also be found in supplements. Vitamin A is important for vision because it helps the retina to function properly. Vitamin A is also essential for bone growth because it helps the body to absorb calcium. Additionally, vitamin A is necessary for reproduction because it helps to develop and maintain healthy mucus membranes. Finally, vitamin A is crucial for immune function because it helps to protect the body against infection.


Vitamin C is known for its natural anti-inflammatory and immune system bolstering effects. So it’s a great vitamin for orthodontic patients. Especially if you struggle with cuts or discomfort after appointments. Vitamin C’s anti-inflammatory properties will help the soft tissues of your mouth become more comfortable with braces or appliances. If you struggle with canker sores or other oral sores, adding some Vitamin C to your diet can help them heal quicker. Vitamin C can also be great in fighting viral pathogens or the cold and flu season come winter. 

An important benefit of increasing vitamin C in your diet is preventing gingivitis, or gum disease, which most adults experience. At the very least, many people have suffered mild gingivitis, but some experience progression into gum disease’s more serious forms. Vitamin C is easy to get into your daily diet; it’s found in oranges, red peppers, and leafy greens!


Calcium is probably a mineral you’ve heard about. Its bone-strengthening properties are well known, and rightfully so! So it’s no surprise that calcium is good for teeth as well. The bones in your mouth can only benefit from being as strong as possible, especially during any orthodontic treatment. Getting enough calcium protects your teeth from root to crown and strengthens the jawbone. Calcium is found in dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt. 


Vitamin D is important all by itself, but even more important if you increase vitamin C, because vitamin D is what helps your body absorb vitamin C. Increasing the amount of vitamin D in your life helps increase your bone mineral density and leads to healthier bones. Because of these qualities, vitamin D is ideal for those undergoing orthodontic treatment or any dental procedure where your jaw or tooth bones are affected.


Is a vitamin you may not have heard of before, and its effects are certainly widespread. Vitamin K is integral in the functions aided by osteocalcin. Osteocalcin is secreted by cells in your bones and has an important role in regulating muscle strength and your physical capabilities. It has effects on your bone and tooth health, but also is essential to cognition and regulating glucose metabolism.  Vitamin K is found in cabbage, kale, spinach, broccoli, and soybean oil. 

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